0721233394 or 0208034403


Mogira Road,Off Park Road and Ring Road Ngara


The Nairobi National Polytechnic is a premier TVET institute in the country with high levels of performance standards. The Institute operates under a robust Quality Management System (QMS) that has enabled maintenance of high levels of performance and quality standards. This has led to growth in trainees' enrolment, staff and the physical infrastructure.

The Institute is an accredited TVET institute by TVETA and registered with the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS) for placement of trainees for various courses. In line with the Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Act of 2013, the Institute has continually imparted trainees with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for social economic development in Business, Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) courses.

The Institute offers Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) courses across ten departments namely: Electrical and Electronics, Automotive Engineering, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, Health Sciences, Applied Sciences, Institutional Management, Information Communication Technology, Business Studies, Liberal and Entrepreneurship Studies. Currently, the Institute offers 82 different CBET courses with an enrolment of 9,388 trainees.

We admit trainees every year in January, May and September intakes under three main levels namely:-
(i) LEVEL 4 (Artisan) Courses: The entry requirement is a K.C.S.E Certificate and above. On qualifying at this level, trainees can progress to Level 5 (Certificate).

(ii) LEVEL 5 (Certificate) Courses: Minimum entry requirement is a K.C.S.E mean grade D (Plain) or Level 4 certificate. On completion of this level, trainees can proceed to Level 6.

(iii) LEVEL 6 (Diploma) Courses: Entry requirement at this level is a K. C. S. E mean grade C- (Minus) except for Medical and Pharmaceutical courses. On completion of this level, trainee can progress to various degree courses in universities.

(iv) HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA: We also offer Higher Diploma course in Applied Biology

Examination bodies include;
(b) Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)
(c) National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)

Trainees admitted in TVET institutions can apply for education funding through;
(i) Higher Education Loan Board (HELB)
(ii) GoK Scholarship
(iii) CDF
(iv) Sponsors (Churches, NGOs, Individuals etc.)

Nairobi Technical Training Institute is an accredited centre for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and a Centre of Excellence (COE) in Automotive Mechatronics. If offers Dual Training in Automotive Mechatronics and other courses, where trainees spend 50% of their training duration in the Institute and 50% in the industry. Automotive Mechatronics involves a multidisciplinary integration of automotive, mechanical and electronic systems.

The Institute has achieved great success in Automotive Mechatronics dual training. All the trainees who have graduated in Automotive Mechatronics have secured employment in automotive industry due to the competencies acquired.

To further increase trainees’ enrolment, Nairobi Technical Training Institute has established partnerships and collaborations with leading companies to enhance dual training. This will, not only foster partnership relations between the Institute and industries, but also expose trainees to the current and emerging best practices in the industries.

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