0721233394 or 0208034403


Mogira Road,Off Park Road and Ring Road Ngara

This is the largest department in the Institute with a total of 2000 trainees inclusive of those in session, and those on industrial attachment, Of this 260 are female while 1740 male. The faculty consists of 38 trainers who are qualified and registered with the relevant professional and regulatory bodies.

Twenty-six of the trainers are employed by the Public Service Commission while twelve by the Board of Governors. Two technicians manage the workshops and laboratories.

The Department has five main sections, namely:
i) Electrical Power
ii) Telecommunications
iii) Instrumentation and Control
iv) Renewable Energy
v) Mathematics

The courses initially offered in the Department were at the following levels; Artisan, Craft Certificate, and Diploma examined by Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC). Following the introduction of Competence Based Education Training (CBET) courses, we now offer the following courses:
Electrical Engineering Technician (Power Option) Level 6
Telecommunication Engineering Technician Level 6
Instrumentation and Control Technician Level 6
Electrical Operator Technician Level 5
Electronics Engineering Technician Level 5
Electrical Installation Artisan Level 4

The department caters for all types of potential trainees as its training programs are undertaken in three different modes of study that is regular, part – time and evening.

In an effort to improve marketability of its trainees after completion of their courses, the department offers affordable and flexible short duration specialized professional courses aligned to industry needs in the following areas:
Solar PV Level T1 and T2 - Accredited by Energy Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) and a member of the Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA)
CCTV, Alarm Security Systems and Electric Fencing Technology
Fiber Optics and Networking Technology
Solar Water Heating
Machines Installation and Controls

This upskilling has resulted in the employment of many trainees particularly in the areas of green energy and telecommunications.

As a result of presenting an award winning innovation in the area of Building Technology during the KATTI Trade Fair competitions in 2022, the department started Building Construction Technology courses with a view of creating an independent building department in the near future. The enrolment stands at 85 and the following courses are offered:
Building Construction Technician Level 6
Craft Certificate in Building Technology
Two trainers hired under BOG are the key resource personnel for the specialized units in building technology.

Academic performance improved in KNEC examinations from 23% in the July 2022 series to 66.8% in the November 2022 series. This later rose to 77.8% in the July 2023 series. For the November 2023 series results, the performance improved by registering 80.1%.

This trend is widely attributed to a rigorous change of the mindset of trainees in the last two years and innovative approaches of the trainers towards implementation of tuition and assessment. Good discipline among trainees and concerted teamwork of the trainers.

The department has systematically been upgrading its training equipment to be in tandem with new technologies and I take this opportunity to thank management for the support they have provided towards this end. For the last 10 years, the department has taken the lead in the area of research and innovation, this culture has enabled it to consistently present award-winning innovations at various platforms of competition both locally and internationally.

The most recent being the one the Institute won position three globally in a competition hosted by the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics in the category of Research and Innovation. The award ceremony was held in Montreal Canada in the month of April 2023.

The department has established industry linkages and collaborations with the following organizations KENGEN, Ministry of Environment, KENYA POWER, KEREA and EPRA This has greatly improved the absorption of trainees for industrial attachment and in some cases job opportunities. A number of trainees have equally been able to establish startups in areas related to Electrical Engineering.

In line with the manifesto of the government on the Affordable Housing Project, the department is looking forward to participate in the Recognition of Prior Learning program for Jua Kali artisans thereby providing qualified electricians.


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