0721233394 or 0208034403


Mogira Road,Off Park Road and Ring Road Ngara

The department offers two courses: Social Work and Community Development and Counseling Psychology. These two courses are amongst the most vital career fields that impact the society in diverse settings.

Social Work and Community Development addresses the critical needs of communities ranging from healtheducationsocial-economic issues affecting vulnerable and underserved communities and ultimately empowering them to make significant contributions to social development and the wellbeing of the society.

Counseling Psychology is a Course that equips trainees with knowledge and skills required to help individuals cope with the day to day challenges, make informed decisions, resolve conflicts among others.

In addition, the department teaches two support subjects: Communication Skills and Life Skills in all the eight academic departments in the Institution. These subjects equips the trainees with essential life skills that are in high demand in the job market.


• Certificate in Social Work and Community Development
• Diploma in Social Work and Community Development
• Diploma in Counseling Psychology

In future, we look forward to introducing more market driven Courses for example Child Care and Protection among others.

The department is committed to producing quality graduates who are well equipped with competitive skills.


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